The Protarian Story

Protarianism is a new denomination and way of life based on early Christian beliefs. We believe in a simpler understanding of the Bible, one at odds with modern Christianity. Because of that, we reject pagan and philosophical distortions of the faith most people associate with mainstream churches such as a multi-person deity who torments his children forever in hell or spiritual planes of existence after death.

As Protarians, we believe Christians are meant to live with each other in tribes—groups of people who share a common ethnicity, faith, language, and many other things. We believe the language of the Bible specifically instructs against multiculturalism and calls us to live among our own, a desire for people and place we consider sacred. We believe all people should be able to live in this way, no matter their ethnicity or faith.

We have a set of Christian beliefs you might consider our doctrine, and we have a set of tribe beliefs you might consider guidelines for the way we live. Both sets of beliefs are based on historical traditions that, while they may sound new to you, are nearly ancient.

We are not incorporated. We are not a non-profit organization and we do not take donations. Consider purchasing a book or two if you feel inclined to help.

What does the name mean?

In Greek, the word protos can mean first or earliest. Protarianism is the practice of the Christian faith as it was understood by some of the earliest churches. It is a simple system of belief that, in some ways, resembles parts of Judaism. However, it is different than Catholicism, Protestantism, and the numerous man-made doctrines which have come to define modern Christianity. Much of what the world now considers “the Christian faith” changed into something altogether different in the first few hundred years after the resurrection of Jesus as other cultures and systems of belief blended together.

Protarianism also focuses on a literal understanding of the first commandment: You shall have no other gods before me. We believe the refusal to fully honor this commandment has led to serious errors within the church—errors that have confused hundreds of millions of people and filled many others with despair and anger. And so we seek to obey the first commandment in its literal understanding. As Protarians, we worship God, the Father, and are followers of Jesus Christ, our Messiah—the Son of God.

Finally, we hope the tribes of Protarians serve as a prototype for how other Christians may better form their social structures in preparation for a difficult future. We may differ in our understanding of the Bible, but Protarians hope other Christians may see the value in highly-unified tribes—and the worship which flows out of them—as a superior tool for building and maintaining healthy, vibrant churches. Doctrinal alignment is not nearly a strong enough glue to hold a church together in fellowship. Tribes offer a meaningful solution for any Christian denomination, Protarian or otherwise. The focus of Protarian ministry is building and supporting such tribes.

Other Questions?

If you have other questions regarding the Protarian denomination, our beliefs, or tribes, you can email us directly at

Want a few occasional email updates?

We may occasionally send out a newsletter via email that contains information about the Protarian denomination and the tribes we support (even beyond our denomination). Feel free to sign-up here so that you can keep apprised of things.

Interested in Tribes?

While other denominations might send missionaries to Africa or Asia to start churches, Protarians consider helping people find their tribe—or starting a new tribe—to be our primary mission work. If you’re a Christian (of any denomination) and interested in the Biblical model for tribes, you can read “The Tribal Instinct,” available in print here or through Amazon in print, digital, and audiobook versions.

Feel free to get in touch if you’re looking to find a people and place for your family to call home—we may be able to help.

An image of the front of 'The Tribal Instinct' book. It is an off-white color with three large words (THE TRIBAL INSTINCT) in an uppercase serif font, centered and stacked on top of each other. The type is black with the exception of the word, Tribal, which is red and italicized. Underneath is the subtitle in smaller type, 'The Sacred Desire for People and Place.' On top of the title is a small primitive illustration, like a cave painting, of a man throwing a spear followed by a visibly pregnant woman.